456 Growth Reduced Research Time by 50% with Charm’s CRM Integration

“If you want to be first in the market, use Charm.io.”- Dan Albert, Co-Founder 456 Growth

We are delighted to present the incredible success story of 456 Growth, one of Charm.io’s earliest customers. We appreciate Dan and Jacob Albert for graciously sharing the experiences and insights they have gained from their long-standing partnership with Charm.io.

Dan, a co-founder of 456 Growth, brings a wealth of expertise to the table, while Jacob excels in business operations and marketing. Before embarking on their journey with 456 Growth, Dan and his business partners worked with a performance-based marketing agency, handling many accounts that would become household names in the direct-to-consumer (DTC) space.

Dan has been at the forefront of marketing industry transformations, assisting companies in transitioning from traditional retail to digital marketing and ecommerce. Now, through 456 Growth, Dan and his team empower businesses to elevate their digital strategies even further, guiding them through the learning curve of influencer marketing.

456 Growth Background

Let’s delve into the world of 456 Growth and its various organizations:

  1. 456 Talent focuses on talent management within the dynamic influencer scene, nurturing and supporting content creators.
  2. 456 Investments strategically invests in high-growth brands and technology within the creator economy, fostering innovation and driving expansion.
  3. 456 Media has over 30 monthly brand clients that benefit from 456 Growth’s expertise in executing impactful media initiatives and managing affiliate, UGC, Product Seeding, and Paid Media marketing programs.

456 Growth primarily uses Charm.io to fuel the business functionality of its multi-entity influencer marketing solutions. After implementing Charm.io, they experienced a 100% increase in leads identified. Previously, Dan and Jacob encountered common challenges with other tools, such as a lack of integration with marketing and sales tools, low-tech capabilities, and insufficient insight into the technologies used by brands. In their search for a new solution, Jacob discovered Charm.io.

456 Growth’s Favorite Charm.io Features List

During our discussion with 456 Growth, they highlighted several favorite features of Charm.io tools and views that they found most valuable. Here is their list of favorites:


Growth and Success Trajectory

The summary view in Charm.io enables 456 Growth to gauge the growth and success scores of each brand they investigate, helping them target and prioritize their marketing and sales efforts more effectively. This information also helps 456 Growth personalize its approach, depending on whether a brand is leading its industry or still on the cusp.


Technology Insights

The Tech view within Charm.io provides the 456 Growth team with valuable information about the technologies used by different brands. This knowledge allows them to identify which platforms brands advertise on, particularly social media. Brands heavily engaged in social media are often ideal targets for influencer marketing services or introductions to content creators under 456 Talent.


Find Similar Brands Faster

Charm.io’s Similar Brands view empowers 456 Growth to swiftly discover other companies that could be an excellent fit for their services. This powerful tool rapidly expands their prospecting lists while maintaining the quality of their target audience.


Salesforce Integration

As Salesforce users, 456 Growth was excited about Charm.io’s powerful integration with their CRM system. This integration led to a 50% reduction in their research time. By streamlining their prospecting workflows, 456 Growth can secure more appointments and close deals within shorter timeframes.


International Reach

Given their work with global brands, 456 Growth appreciates Charm.io’s insights beyond the United States. This expanded market visibility broadens their opportunities in countries such as Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and the UK.

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Key Benefits of Charm.io

The adoption of Charm.io has had a profound impact on 456 Growth’s marketing and sales efforts, elevating their performance in these key areas:


Improved Qualification Process

Insights provided by Charm.io — such as brand activity, the tech they use, and paid advertising — enable 456 Growth to efficiently and effectively qualify prospects. This critical information helps its team assess whether a brand will likely comprehend its offerings, allowing 456 Growth to make informed decisions on outreach and approach.


Better Preparation for Sales Conversations

The comprehensive insights gathered through Charm.io empowers 456 Growth’s team to be better prepared for sales conversations. Armed with in-depth knowledge about their prospects, including product range, estimated revenue, advertising strategies, sales platforms, and preferred social channels, 456 Growth can enter discussions with a wealth of valuable ammunition to jumpstart the conversation. This approach ensures they meet prospects where they are, fostering productive and meaningful engagements.


Faster Outreach & Time to Sales

Before implementing Charm.io, the manual process of identifying potential targets, assessing their qualifications, and scheduling sales appointments was time-intensive. However, with Charm.io, 456 Growth estimates its team can reach out to over 500 brands weekly — a significant increase in their outreach capabilities. This accelerated pace allows them to seize new opportunities and promptly move toward conversion, streamlining their sales process. They have plans to scale even higher in the coming months.


Excellent Support

From their initial interactions with Vice President Jim Phillips to their ongoing relationship with their dedicated success manager, Andrew Kamath, 456 Growth has experienced exceptional support from the Charm.io team. Jacob expressed how impressed he has been by the level of service they have received and how accommodating Jim and Andrew have been. This seamless collaboration enables them to use the platform with minimal disruptions, receiving prompt answers and solutions as questions arise.


Looking Forward

During our discussion, Dan and Jacob described Charm.io’s Tech view as a vital resource to maintain their competitive edge in evaluating brands’ evolving needs. As DTC tech continues to expand rapidly, they will lean on Charm.io to remain up-to-date. They are also interested in how the Recommended Influencers feature in the Growth view will develop, as it could become quite valuable to their 456 Talent and 456 Media organizations.

    Best tool for identifying DTC brands

    "If you want to be first in the market, use Charm.io"

    Best tool for identifying DTC brands

    "If you want to be first in the market, use Charm.io"

    Best tool for identifying DTC brands

    "If you want to be first in the market, use Charm.io"

Become a Leader in The Market With Charm

Use Charm to get in-depth insights into ecommerce brands and build the perfect pipeline. Search for brands that fit your ideal customer profile and filter by ad count, social media metrics, technographics, and more. You can also download contact information with a click.

Request a free trial of Charm.io today and get 100 free brand reports.

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