Trusted By

The Solution that Works Like a Charm

+4 million

E-commerce brands


Metrics tracked
for every brand


Reduction in research time reported by clients

Fill your pipeline with qualified brands and win
more business

Build your perfect pipeline

Prospect across 160+ metrics including the Charm Growth Score™, Charm Success Score™, ad count, tech stack, marketplace, social media metrics, and more.

Prospecting - Build Pipeline

Supercharge your lead scoring

Integrate Charm with your CRM platform. Save time & increase win-rates by using Charm’s metrics to qualify & prioritize leads with the highest potential for your offering.

Sourcinng and Diligence - Integrate with workflows

Personalize your messaging to prospects

Use data points from Charm to increase your email open rates and close more deals.

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Prospecting for Fast-Growing Brands Selling on Shopify

A software client that offers a Shopify plug-in integration used Charm to identify the fastest-growing brands on Shopify, and closed 23 new customers from the leads they found on our platform.


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Let's Get Started

Join the top companies around the world that are using Charm to close deals.