Frequently asked questions

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out to our customer support team.

Where do we get the data?

Charm collects publicly available data.

What do we do with the data?

We use a combination of natural language processing, computer vision, and algorithmic pattern recognition to understand all of direct-to-consumer ecommerce.

How up to date is the data?

All brands are updated once per month with the fastest-growing brands updated more frequently at once every 2 weeks.

What is a Brand Deep Dive Reports?

A Brand Deep Dive Report is equivalent to viewing all of a brand’s data. You can use a Brand Deep Dive Report by viewing a brand profile or exporting brand data via the prospector or lists. There is no double charge for viewing a brand and exporting the data.

Does Charm have Brand Categories?

Yes. We have a wide variety of top-level categories. You can see the full list in Charm's Prospector when you filter by category. 

Do you have an API?

Yes, customers can connect with their dedicated Customer Success Manager at to learn more about the API.

Where are you pulling contacts & emails from?

All the people data comes from Linkedin and any public source for which we believe it is the same brand. We then attempt to verify the contact information through a variety of techniques, including checking in with the SMTP server directly.

What CRMs do you integrate with?

CRM integrations are available for Salesforce and Hubspot. CSV downloads are available for partners who do not require an integration.