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The Solution that Works Like a Charm

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E-commerce brands


Metrics tracked for every brand


Reduction in research time reported by clients

Find ecommerce brands that fit your investment criteria

Source ecommerce brands that fit your investment criteria

Charm tracks >4M brands and identified fast-growing DTC’s like Caraway and Allbirds before they became household names.


Get the in-depth data points you need for proper evaluation & due diligence

160+ metrics including the Charm Growth Score™, ad count, tech stack, marketplace, social media awareness, and more.

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Ingest the data however you want with our CRM integrations, API offering and flexible data feeds.

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Key metrics from Charm support Unilever’s acquisition of K18


K18 is a high-performing hair care brand ranking higher in growth, success, and sophistication
than over 70% of other category brands leading to its acquisition by Unilever in December 2023

Charm Scores

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