Disco Network Gains Better Business Intelligence with Charm

About Disco Network

Disco Network is a SaaS (software as a service) company that helps consumer brands better understand their customers. They enable their clients to work together to build robust data sets and collectively leverage that information to acquire customers, achieve cost efficiencies, and scale without relying on Facebook and Amazon. Through Disco Network, consumer brands are able to learn more about their consumers’ behaviors and preferences, so they can sell in a more time- and cost-efficient way. Dean Bakes of Disco Network shares that his team uses a combination of tools, including Charm.io, LinkedIn Sales Navigator, Apollo, and Amplemarket to accomplish their business goals.

Seeking Better Business Intelligence

Prior to using Charm.io, Disco Network relied upon their team’s expertise and familiarity with the industry to identify brands that would be a good fit for their service. However, as the DTC ecommerce market continued to expand and new brands were introduced, they knew they were missing out on opportunities.

They looked around for solutions, but most of the other options lacked data specific to consumer brands, which is necessary for the Disco Network team. Fortunately, another company that succeeded with Charm.io introduced Disco Network to the DTC prospecting solution.

DTC Brand Focus

Charm.io’s dedicated focus on DTC brands made it the perfect fit for Disco Network’s sales team. Their primary goal was to build highly tailored, accurate prospecting lists quickly and easily. Being able to narrow the expanding market of DTC brands down to a qualified pool of prospects would enable Disco Network to grow exponentially faster and more efficiently.

Charm.io tracks DTC brands across more than 160 metrics, including:

  • Growth
  • Sophistication
  • Tech stack
  • Social media metrics
  • Ad count

The platform also enables teams to filter across every metric. Other ecommerce data options only allow companies to see around 50 metrics per DTC brand. The vast difference in available data made Charm.io the clear choice for targeted prospecting.

Unique Capabilities



Robust, Accurate Data

The Disco Network team was impressed with the significant number of hours that they saved weekly with Charm.io’s platform, as well as the depth and accuracy of the information. The level of granular detail that they could gain with Charm.io was a significant improvement over their previous results, including:

  • Location of the brand
  • Location of the brand’s followers
  • Tech stack
  • Ecommerce platform used
  • Revenue estimations
  • Growth Score
  • Success Scores
  • Social media metrics (followers, social growth, etc.)

Some of Disco Network’s key verticals include fashion and apparel; beauty, body, and personal care; baby and child products; maternity; and home and kitchen. Charm.io provides filters allowing clients to filter by category and gain rich insights into DTC brands in each of these segments. These capabilities made it easier than ever for Disco Network to focus on its target audience.

The company used the filters available within Charm.io’s platform to find digitally native North American companies with $10 — $100 million in revenue that qualified as small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs). Disco Network was not able to easily find prospects that met these key criteria with other tools.


Stores Tab, Growth Scores, & Lookalikes

Disco Network also used insights from the Stores Tab (included with every Charm.io Brand Report) as well as filters on Charm’s Prospector tool to identify DTC brands built on specific platforms, like Shopify. They also analyzed the Growth and Success Scores to determine which brands would be a good fit for their services and revenue goals.

The ability to segment by categories and revenue significantly improved Disco Network’s prospecting flow. They specifically analyzed advertising growth rates and whether brands were scaling on certain social media platforms like Facebook. Once their list was created, Disco Network’s team could view lookalikes to see if there were any other brands they should include based on their unique criteria.


Dynamic List Building

Disco Network included dynamic list building as one of the top benefits of Charm.io’s platform. Since one of their goals was to be more intentional about how they approached prospecting DTC brands, Disco Network has leveraged Dynamic Lists to ensure their data is precise and current. Dynamic Lists maintain the criteria entered and continually update the list of brands as their information changes. DTC brands that no longer qualify are removed, and those that match the requirements are added. Disco Network’s team appreciates not having to spend time running new reports or checking existing reports for accuracy each week. This is also a terrific discovery tool since new brands are added in real-time without additional effort.


Customer Success Team

Dean Bakes, the head of sales at Disco Network, mentioned that all his interactions with their account manager and the customer success team at Charm.io have been positive. Each time they had questions, their account manager responded quickly to help them get the answers they needed. After using the solution for a while, Dean has submitted a few feature requests, which Charm.io’s customer success team has been very receptive to. They look forward to growing with the platform and taking advantage of any new and enhanced features.

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Future Expansion within Charm.io

Disco Network approximates that they use about one-third of the tools currently available within Charm.io’s platform. Considering the benefits that they have realized so far, it will be exciting to see what else their team can accomplish as they learn more about what Charm.io can offer and how it can further enhance their DTC prospecting workflow.

Try Charm Today

Charm.io is a leading ecommerce intelligence platform for prospecting, brand research, and accessing vital contact information for key players in each company. 

Request a free trial of Charm.io today and get 100 free brand reports.

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