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The replacement to ecommerce?


Gen Z and Millennials increasingly research and purchase products through social media so much so that social shopping is set to outpace ecommerce. Here's what you need to know based on information from Horizon Media:

  • One in four people on social media today are scrolling to shop, and many others make impulse purchases, especially for trending and seasonal products.
  • Among social shoppers, 80% say they make a purchase twice a month and 73% expect to purchase at least once a month in the upcoming year.
  • More than 72% of social shoppers say they could replace at least some of their online shopping with social shopping.
  • Social commerce revenue is projected to reach $6.2 trillion globally by 2030 (Statista) with many shoppers seeing the added benefit of creating connections in a way that traditional online shopping does not allow.


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October's Top Products Sold on TikTok Shop


1. Shiatsu Neck & Back Massager

71PGkxLq-DL (2)Revenue: $2.8 million
Shop: Beauty-Life


2. Wavytalk Negative Ion Straightening Brush

612+DP0lP4L (2)Revenue: $1.8 million
Shop: Wavytalk
DTC Charm Growth Score™: 38.4


3. GoPure Beauty Tighten & Lift Firming Neck Cream

71M8GXL-YkL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_ (2)Revenue: $1.1 million
Charm Growth Score™: 83.2


5. NoBs Toothpaste Tablets 

81sz+fMvi6L (2)-1Revenue: $1.0 million
Shop: Better Biöm
Charm Growth Score™: 70.5


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