Data Glossary

Learn more about the metrics within the Charm platform.


Amazon Growth Score The equivalent of Growth Score but only growth dimensions of feature set (i.e. computed with Amazon review count and Avg Amazon Reviews). Amazon Total Reviews Total number of reviews on Amazon Avg. product price (in primary store) The average price of the products in a brand's dtc store in a given month. Please note that pricing is based on the store currency.

Amazon Growth Score

The equivalent of Growth Score but only growth dimensions of feature set (i.e. computed with Amazon review count and Avg Amazon Reviews).

Amazon Total Reviews

Total number of reviews on Amazon

Avg. product price (in primary store)

The average price of the products in a brand's dtc store in a given month. Please note that pricing is based on the store currency.


Brand Name The name of the brand as found on the brand's ecommerce store. Brand URL The domain name/ web address of a brand's ecommerce store. Brand UUID Brand's unique identifier in Charm's database Brands On Store Total number of brands on store BSR BSR, also known as Best Sellers Rank, is a metric that represents the sales performance of a product within its specific category on Amazon. It is a numerical ranking that indicates how well a product is selling compared to other products in the same category. A lower BSR indicates higher sales performance and popularity.

Brand Name

The name of the brand as found on the brand's ecommerce store.

Brand URL

The domain name/ web address of a brand's ecommerce store.

Brand UUID

Brand's unique identifier in Charm's database

Brands On Store

Total number of brands on store


BSR, also known as Best Sellers Rank, is a metric that represents the sales performance of a product within its specific category on Amazon. It is a numerical ranking that indicates how well a product is selling compared to other products in the same category. A lower BSR indicates higher sales performance and popularity.


Category The specific classification or grouping of products on Amazon Charm City City of the brand's headquarters Charm Competitive Score Charm's proprietary scoring metric that takes into account the overall success and competitive edge of the brand based on key factors including product prices, rating count, and Best Sellers Rank (BSR). Charm Country Country of the brand's headquarters Charm Growth Score™ Indicative of a brand's growth relative to other brand's tracked by Charm. The Charm Growth Score is a proprietary model that calculates a normalized weighted sum of differences between current value and past value from N months ago across multiple periods within a look-back range of time (e.g. 3 months, 6 months, etc. up to a look-back period of 12 months) for metrics tracked by Charm (e.g., change in Facebook followers count over last 12 months, or over last 3 months, etc.). The categories of metrics included in the model are Tiktok, Instagram, Facebook, Website Traffic, Amazon Performance, Social Advertising, Reseller Distribution, and others. Growth score ranges from -100 to 100. Charm State State of the brand's headquarters Charm URL The Charm website link to a brand page Crunchbase Funding Total Total monetary amount of funding as reported by Crunchbase Crunchbase Funding Rounds Total amount of funding rounds as reported by Crunchbase Charm Growth Score™ - 3 Months The 3 month delta of the growth score metric. This can be used to find brands that are experience a recent spurt of growth. Charm Success Score™ Indicative of a brand's size relative to other brand's tracked by Charm. The Charm Success Score is a proprietary model that calculates a normalized weighted sum of current levels of variables tracked by Charm. The categories of metrics included in the model are Tiktok, Instagram, Facebook, Website Traffic, Amazon Performance, Social Advertising, Reseller Distribution, and others. The main difference from Charm’s Growth Score is that Success Score doesn’t take differences over time into account--instead, it considers current levels only. Score ranges from -100 to 100. Charm Sophistication Score™ Indicative of a brand's sophistication level, relative to other brand's tracked by Charm, based on the technology stack powering the brand's dtc website. This proprietary score is generated by a Machine Learning algorithm that quantifies a brand’s potential for growth based on various technologies used by the brand (and tracked by Charm). Score ranges from -100 to 100. Charm Category Charm has developed our own categorization model using an LLM (large language model) approach that analyzes all of the information we know about a brand and map the brand to one of 18 Charm categories. Information that might be used to assign a Charm category includes: Google category, Facebook category, Instagram Business category, Linkedin business type, store data, product data, etc. Roughly 61% of brands in Charm's database have an assigned Charm category. Contacts Charm provides complimentary contact details found online from publicly available sources. Most of our clients choose to supplement Charm with a comprehensive contact solution (i.e. Apollo or ZoomInfo) to get more specific contact details and phone numbers.


The specific classification or grouping of products on Amazon

Charm City

City of the brand's headquarters

Charm Competitive Score

Charm's proprietary scoring metric that takes into account the overall success and competitive edge of the brand based on key factors including product prices, rating count, and Best Sellers Rank (BSR).

Charm Country

Country of the brand's headquarters

Charm Growth Score™

Indicative of a brand's growth relative to other brand's tracked by Charm. The Charm Growth Score is a proprietary model that calculates a normalized weighted sum of differences between current value and past value from N months ago across multiple periods within a look-back range of time (e.g. 3 months, 6 months, etc. up to a look-back period of 12 months) for metrics tracked by Charm (e.g., change in Facebook followers count over last 12 months, or over last 3 months, etc.). The categories of metrics included in the model are Tiktok, Instagram, Facebook, Website Traffic, Amazon Performance, Social Advertising, Reseller Distribution, and others. Growth score ranges from -100 to 100.

Charm State

State of the brand's headquarters

Charm URL

The Charm website link to a brand page

Crunchbase Funding Total

Total monetary amount of funding as reported by Crunchbase

Crunchbase Funding Rounds

Total amount of funding rounds as reported by Crunchbase

Charm Growth Score™ - 3 Months

The 3 month delta of the growth score metric. This can be used to find brands that are experience a recent spurt of growth.

Charm Success Score™

Indicative of a brand's size relative to other brand's tracked by Charm. The Charm Success Score is a proprietary model that calculates a normalized weighted sum of current levels of variables tracked by Charm. The categories of metrics included in the model are Tiktok, Instagram, Facebook, Website Traffic, Amazon Performance, Social Advertising, Reseller Distribution, and others. The main difference from Charm’s Growth Score is that Success Score doesn’t take differences over time into account--instead, it considers current levels only. Score ranges from -100 to 100.

Charm Sophistication Score™

Indicative of a brand's sophistication level, relative to other brand's tracked by Charm, based on the technology stack powering the brand's dtc website. This proprietary score is generated by a Machine Learning algorithm that quantifies a brand’s potential for growth based on various technologies used by the brand (and tracked by Charm). Score ranges from -100 to 100.

Charm Category

Charm has developed our own categorization model using an LLM (large language model) approach that analyzes all of the information we know about a brand and map the brand to one of 18 Charm categories. Information that might be used to assign a Charm category includes: Google category, Facebook category, Instagram Business category, Linkedin business type, store data, product data, etc. Roughly 61% of brands in Charm's database have an assigned Charm category.


Charm provides complimentary contact details found online from publicly available sources. Most of our clients choose to supplement Charm with a comprehensive contact solution (i.e. Apollo or ZoomInfo) to get more specific contact details and phone numbers.


Estimated Revenue Range Charm has developed revenue estimation models that take into account the various attributes tracked by Charm as well as first party sales data from thousands of brands. The revenue estimates are specific to a brand's own dtc operation, and do not include any brick & mortar or marketplace sales. If a brand is publicly traded, Charm will provide a link to the brand's ticker rather than our own revenue estimates.

Estimated Revenue Range

Charm has developed revenue estimation models that take into account the various attributes tracked by Charm as well as first party sales data from thousands of brands. The revenue estimates are specific to a brand's own dtc operation, and do not include any brick & mortar or marketplace sales. If a brand is publicly traded, Charm will provide a link to the brand's ticker rather than our own revenue estimates.


Facebook Ads Count Total count of Facebook & Instagram ads Facebook Ads Growth Score The equivalent of Growth Score but only growth dimensions of feature set (i.e. computed with FB Ads Relative Growth 1M and Instagram Followers Relative Growth 3M) FBA/FBM FBA stands for Fulfillment by Amazon, which is a service offered by Amazon to sellers. With FBA, sellers send their inventory to Amazon's fulfillment centers, and Amazon handles storage, packaging, and shipping of the products. FBM stands for Fulfillment by Merchant, where sellers handle all aspects of fulfillment themselves, including storage, packaging, and shipping. Facebook Category Business category listed on Facebook Facebook Followers Total number of Facebook followers Facebook Growth % -3 Months Follower growth percentage in the last 3 months Facebook Likes Count (aggregate across pages) The number of likes the brand has across it's facebook pages. Facebook Growth % -6 Months Follower growth percentage in the last 6 months


FBA stands for Fulfillment by Amazon, which is a service offered by Amazon to sellers. With FBA, sellers send their inventory to Amazon's fulfillment centers, and Amazon handles storage, packaging, and shipping of the products. FBM stands for Fulfillment by Merchant, where sellers handle all aspects of fulfillment themselves, including storage, packaging, and shipping.


Google Category The category of a brand based on Google's taxonomy.

Google Category

The category of a brand based on Google's taxonomy.


Instagram Followers Total number of Instagram followers Instagram Growth % - 6 months Follower growth percentage in the last 6 months Instagram Growth Score The equivalent of the Charm Growth Score™ but only growth dimensions of feature set related to Instagram scores. Instagram Growth % - 3 months Follower growth percentage in the last 3 months Instagram Likes/Post (avg) Average number of likes for each post computed over the last 50 posts. Instagram Comments/Post (avg) Average number of comments for each post computed over the last 50 posts. Instagram Engagement Rate % Average proportion of user engaging with each post. Defined as (average number of comments + average number of posts) / number of followers Instagram Post Count Number of post from that account. Instagram Followers Count (aggregate across handles) The number of followers the brand has across their instagram accounts.

Instagram Followers

Total number of Instagram followers

Instagram Growth % - 6 months

Follower growth percentage in the last 6 months

Instagram Growth Score

The equivalent of the Charm Growth Score™ but only growth dimensions of feature set related to Instagram scores.

Instagram Growth % - 3 months

Follower growth percentage in the last 3 months

Instagram Likes/Post (avg)

Average number of likes for each post computed over the last 50 posts.

Instagram Comments/Post (avg)

Average number of comments for each post computed over the last 50 posts.

Instagram Post Count

Number of post from that account.

Instagram Followers Count (aggregate across handles)

The number of followers the brand has across their instagram accounts.


LinkedIn Employees Total number of employees on LinkedIn LinkedIn employee growth % - 3 months Company employee count growth percentage in the last 3 months LinkedIn Category Business category listed on LinkedIn LinkedIn employee growth % - 6 months Company employee count growth percentage in the last 6 months

LinkedIn Employees

Total number of employees on LinkedIn

LinkedIn employee growth % - 3 months

Company employee count growth percentage in the last 3 months

LinkedIn Category

Business category listed on LinkedIn

LinkedIn employee growth % - 6 months

Company employee count growth percentage in the last 6 months


Min and Max product price (in primary store) The minimum and maximum price of the products found in a brand's dtc store in a given month. Please note that the pricing is based on the store currency.

Min and Max product price (in primary store)

The minimum and maximum price of the products found in a brand's dtc store in a given month. Please note that the pricing is based on the store currency.


Online Resellers Number of stores that resell this brands product ie does this brand have a wholesale program

Online Resellers

Number of stores that resell this brands product ie does this brand have a wholesale program


Paid Traffic Volume of monthly visits attributable to paid keywords Paid Traffic Growth 3 Months Percentage change in paid traffic volume over the last 3 months. Product Keywords Most used words in their product descriptions and website copy Products on Store Total number of Products on the store Platform The ecommerce platform the brand's dtc site is on.

Product Keywords

Most used words in their product descriptions and website copy

Products on Store

Total number of Products on the store


The ecommerce platform the brand's dtc site is on.


Revenue Estimate Charm estimated revenue Reselles Generic Products Is this store a dropshipper of another store's product

Revenue Estimate

Charm estimated revenue

Reselles Generic Products

Is this store a dropshipper of another store's product


Social Ad Count The number of detected ads the brand is running across social networks, based on the ads libraries of the various networks. Store Currency The current the brand's dtc site's products are listed in.

Store Currency

The current the brand's dtc site's products are listed in.


TikTok Username Brand user handle on TikTok TikTok Growth Score The equivalent of growth_score but only growth dimensions of feature set as they relate to TikTok metrics tracked by Charm. TikTok Followers Total number of TikTok followers Traffic Rank Measure of traffic counts compared to all other brands. Traffic Growth Score Charm measure of traffic growth relative to all other brands. This signal uses multiple sources of data to make a very robust comprehensive analysis of what brands are growing their traffic the fastest. Total number products sold (by primary store) The number of sku and sku variations found in the brand's dtc store in a given month. Technology (List) The list of technologies the brand's dtc site is using to power their operations. The technologies are gathered by looking at the source code of a brand's dtc site, and mapping specific code patterns to the technologies to which they belong.

TikTok Username

Brand user handle on TikTok

TikTok Growth Score

The equivalent of growth_score but only growth dimensions of feature set as they relate to TikTok metrics tracked by Charm.

TikTok Followers

Total number of TikTok followers

Traffic Rank

Measure of traffic counts compared to all other brands.

Traffic Growth Score

Charm measure of traffic growth relative to all other brands. This signal uses multiple sources of data to make a very robust comprehensive analysis of what brands are growing their traffic the fastest.

Total number products sold (by primary store)

The number of sku and sku variations found in the brand's dtc store in a given month.

Technology (List)

The list of technologies the brand's dtc site is using to power their operations. The technologies are gathered by looking at the source code of a brand's dtc site, and mapping specific code patterns to the technologies to which they belong.


Website description A short description of the brand as told by the brand WebTraffic The estimated number of monthly visits (sessions) to the brand's dtc website.

Website description

A short description of the brand as told by the brand


The estimated number of monthly visits (sessions) to the brand's dtc website.